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Cu Sony la un ceai

Din când în când diverși cunoscuți mă întreabă ce aparat să-și cumpere: “Nikon sau Canon?” Și, de câțiva ani, le recomand să-i dea o șansă și lui Sony. Eu am un Nikon D700 și un Canon 5D mark II. În ciuda bătrâneții lor sunt mulțumit de amândouă. Dar, din când în când îi dau o ...

filmul documentar Matache / Berzei-Buzesti

Va invit la filmul documentar Matache / Berzei-Buzesti Sambata 19 noiembrie, ora 11am Cinema Elvira Popescu, bl. Dacia nr.77 (institutul cultural francez) Zona Matache, din centrul Bucurestiului, a trecut prin schimbări radicale care și-au pus amprenta asupra comunității, lăsând cartierul într-o stare de dezagregare socială ...

Thank you!

As you know, Last Transhumance crowdfunding campaign is closed. 150 backers raised 6,070 USD together! A very warm ‘thank you’ to all those who contributed, liked, shared, tweeted, talked, tagged, and so on… 🙂 It was very helpful. Last Transhumance team is extremely grateful to all of you!  We will keep you posted ...

4 days

4 days left if you want to be part of Last Transhumance team! Let’s make Last Transhumance documentary together! contribute | share | make last transhumance possible photo taken in Sicily

10 days

10 days left to make it happen for Last Transhumance:    Let’s make ‘Last Transhumance’ together! contribute | share | make last transhumance possible Photo taken in Romania, 2008.  

13 days

13 days left to join us: let’s make ‘Last Transhumance’ together! contribute | share | make last transhumance possible Photo taken in Romania. (Birds eat seeds from sheep’s wool and then spread them, a true definition of biodiversity)

17 days

If you wish to support Last Transhumance documentary film there are still 17 days left for the crowdfunding campaign: contribute | share | make last transhumance possible Thank you! Photo taken in Romania, May 2011.  


Spelling editor says transhumance is a mistake, that it is a misspelled word. I met today a native English speaker who confessed she did not know this word; she was not the first person to tell me this. Most dictionaries define it “as the livestock’s movement in search of available pastures, over considerable distances, ...

New perks & 40% gathered

Firstly, we’d like to thank you very much for your support: it matters a lot! So far we gathered 40% of the funds we need and we have 21 days to go. We strongly believe we can reach our goal with your help on Secondly, we’ve prepared some special perks: you can now have ...

38% gathered

38% gathered & 24 days left if you want to help make it happen for Last Transhumance film: Thank you for your support! contribute | share | make last transhumance possible For today I chose a photo taken in Romania, 2007. Save Save