filmul documentar Matache / Berzei-Buzesti

Va invit la filmul documentar Matache / Berzei-Buzesti Sambata 19 noiembrie, ora 11am Cinema Elvira Popescu, bl. Dacia nr.77 (institutul cultural francez) Zona Matache, din centrul Bucurestiului, a trecut prin schimbări radicale care și-au pus amprenta asupra comunității, lăsând cartierul într-o stare de dezagregare socială ...

Thank you!

As you know, Last Transhumance crowdfunding campaign is closed. 150 backers raised 6,070 USD together! A very warm ‘thank you’ to all those who contributed, liked, shared, tweeted, talked, tagged, and so on… 🙂 It was very helpful. Last Transhumance team is extremely grateful to all of you!  We will keep you posted ...