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Crowdfunding day #8

Let’s tell the story of Last Transhumance together!
contribute | share | make last transhumance possible

I took this photo in 2008, when I attended shepherd's wedding.

I took this photo in 2008, when I attended shepherd’s wedding.



Comentariile sunt închise pentru Crowdfunding day #8
28 iul. 2016

Transhumance cover ups for free!

Crowdfunding day #7

Let’s keep counting together! We’ve got news: we prepared some cover-up photos which you can use for your Facebook account. You can download them here:  Thank you for your support!

contribute | share | make last transhumance possible

photo taken in Albania

photo taken in Albania


Comentariile sunt închise pentru Transhumance cover ups for free!
27 iul. 2016


We launched the crowdfunding campaign on indiegogo

contribute | share | make the last transhumance possible

This photo is from Albania, 2010.

This photo is from Albania, 2010.



Comentariile sunt închise pentru Launched!
22 iul. 2016